
Chronologies of LGBTQ history.

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    Timeline: Terminology (Fairy and Light in the Loafers), 1892-1993

    This timeline is a collaborative work-in-progress that has had many contributors over a long period of time. Some of the language used and concepts referenced, influenced by colonialism, imperialism, racism, sexism, and anti-LGBTQ+ beliefs and…

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    Timeline: The History of Sexuality and Gender History, 1811-1983

    A chronological list of research on the history of sexuality and gender with a focus on the United States and England. This timeline is a collaborative work-in-progress. Some of the language used and concepts referenced, influenced by colonialism,…

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    Timeline: Transgender History

    This timeline is a collaborative work-in-progress that has had many contributors over a long period of time. Some of the language used and concepts referenced, influenced by colonialism, imperialism, racism, sexism, and anti-LGBTQ+ beliefs and…

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    Timeline: Transgender U.S. History, 1528-2020

    This timeline is a collaborative work-in-progress that has had many contributors over a long period of time. Some of the language used and concepts referenced, influenced by colonialism, imperialism, racism, sexism, and anti-LGBTQ+ beliefs and…

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    Timeline: Walt Whitman and Same-Sex Sex Intimacy, 1848-2021

    A chronology of references to same-sex desire and sexual activity in the life of Walt Whitman and in the works of Whitman's biographers and critics. This timeline is a collaborative work-in-progress. Some of the language used and concepts…

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    Timeline: Working-Class LGBTQ+ U.S. History, 1836-2020

    This chronology on U.S. LGBTQ+ working-class history has been created with the help of Miriam Frank's book Out in the Union: A Labor History of Queer America (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2014), with the permission of the author.…

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    Timeline: Transgender History

    OutHistory presents a chronology of important events in transgender history, including stories of cross-dressing, scientific advancements, pop cultural representation, and other actions complicating notions of sex, gender, and the binary. This…

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    Timeline: Asian American and Pacific Islander LGBTQ History, 1873-2022

    OutHistory presents a timeline chronicling the history of LGBTQ+ people in Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, noting the ways that intersectional forces have shaped queer lives. We thank Amy Sueyoshi for getting us started. First…

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    Timeline: African American LGBTQ+ U.S. History, 1912-2009

    In light of the BlackLivesMatter movement, OutHistory presents a timeline chronicling the distinct and important history of LGBTQ people in African American communities. Our aim is to create a thorough representation of black queer history that pays…

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    Timeline: Activism and Organizing, 1836-2016

    OutHistory presents a timeline tracing the actions of LGBTQ activists throughout history. This chronology includes many different types of protest acts, from publishing poetry to rioting, expanding our notions of what should be considered activism…

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    Timeline: LGBTQ Marriage and Marriage Resisters

    In response to the the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on June 26, 2015 that the U.S. Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage, OutHistory presents a chronology of documented references to the long history of marriage in U.S. same-sex…

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    Timeline: FBI and Homosexuality, 1908-2015

    This chronology surveys the history of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation's surveillance of homosexuals and alleged homosexuals. It includes references to what was considered gender and sexual deviance. It also includes surveillance of the…

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    Ruth Peter Worth, 1915 -1997, by Jonathan Ned Katz

    Ruth Peter Worth, originally Ruth Wertheimer, was a Jewish Holocaust survivor, a U.S. immigrant, a lesbian, and a long-time home owner in Cherry Grove, Fire Island, New York. Published originally on OutHistory in 2011.

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    Bleeding Blue, White, and Rainbow in State College, PA, 1969-2010

    The author of this feature on LGBTQ life at Penn State asked to remain anonymous. Published October 23, 2013.

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    Corvallis and Oregon State University Gay Activism, 1969-2004, by Thomas Kraemer

    This exhibit describes post-Stonewall gay activism at Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon and events that motivated the formation of the first officially recognized gay student group at OSU in 1976.

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    Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington, D.C., 1971-2010

    The Gay and Lesbian Activists Alliance of Washington, D.C., is the oldest continuously active gay rights organization in the United States. Founded on April 20, 1971, as the Gay Activists Alliance, the group dedicated itself to securing the…

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    Man-i-fest: FTM Mentorship in San Francisco, 1976 -2009, by Megan M. Rohrer

    Man-i-fest follows the letters of Lou Sullivan to David, highlighting the topics and mentors that shaped the FTM community in San Francisco from 1976 to 2009. The central items in the exhibit appeared in Gateway: the newsletter of Golden Gate…

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    Forty Years of History in the Heartland: UNL and Lincoln, Nebraska, 1967-2010, by Pat Tetreault

    An exhibit about the University of Nebrasks, Lincoln, and Lincoln, Nebraska, compiled from organizational minutes and files, personal communications, and media articles. Some of the online research of the Daily Nebraskan archives was conducted by…

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    Queer Bronzeville, 1900-1985, by Tristan Cabello

    The history of African American gays and lesbians on Chicago's South Side. First published on OutHistory in 2012.

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    Leo Adams: A Gay Life in Letters, 1928-1952, by Michael S. Miller

    An exhibit based on original research in the extensive archive of a gay man who saved his correspondence. Adams (1903-1995) was born in Menominee, Michigan, moved to Chicago for several years, and then lived in New York for most of his life.